Finely ground organic Indian psyllium seed husk for natural intestinal care
Psyllium seed, also known as psyllium, promotes natural digestion and thus creates a healthier intestinal system. Its valuable, mucus-forming fibres are mainly found in the husk of the psyllium seed, which is why it is used separately from the seed itself. Psyllium seed husks from India have a very high soluble and swell-able fibre content. When hydrated, the finely ground organic psyllium seed husk swell within the intestines, to 40 times its weight, thus increasing intestinal content. Stool becomes softer, improving the conditions of the intestinal passage, which facilitates defecation.
Intake recommendation
Up to 2 times daily, 1 levelled tablespoon* stirred into 200ml of fluids, allow to swell or consume with cereal or yoghurt. *maximum daily intake 5g = 2 tablespoons
Do not consume dry! Must be consumed with sufficient amount of fluids (appox. 2 liters) throughout the day. After medication, wait 30 minutes before consumption. Not recommended for children under 6 years. Store in air-tight container in cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children.
PDF product description psyllium
Your advantage: certified quality – Trust is good, control is better
Our organic psyllium seed husk powder has the highest quality standards: Our finely ground organic psyllium seed husk goes through high standards of control and meet the highest criterions of the European Pharmacopoeia. To ensure this, our organic psyllium seed husk powders are tested in state-approved and accredited German laboratories in accordance with relevant monographs.
– fibre rich swelling agent for the intestines
– suitable for use during pregnancy and nursing period
– suitable for vegetarians, vegans
– gluten and lactose free plant-based product
– without additives
– Organic and of certified pharmaceutical quality
To support natural digestion and promote intestinal health, psyllium husks are becoming increasingly popular. As purely vegetable food they provide a high content of digestible and excellent swellable mucilages for a cholesterol-conscious and high-fibre diet. When in contact with water, the finely ground psyllium seed husks swell, resulting in a sharp increase in the volume of the intestinal contents, which increases the stimulus on the intestinal wall, strengthens the peristalsis of the intestines and facilitates emptying of the intestines. Due to its stool-softening effect, Indian psyllium seed husk powder can contribute to intestinal cleansing with a more pleasant intestinal passage and regulation of the bowel movement.
Psyllium seed husk powder from controlled organic cultivation
In contrast to conventional psyllium seed husks, the use of chemical and synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is prohibited for organic psyllium seed husks. They are also subject to strict controls by the local organic regulatory authorities. Products from organic cultivation offer lower allergy potential, since no flavour enhancers, artificial flavours or colourings and preservatives may be added to them before they are sold as organic food. Our organic psyllium seed husk powder is quality-tested in German accredited laboratories and is available here as organic psyllium seed husk 400g finely ground powder and in organic psyllium seed husks 200 capsules.